


As a natural result of getting old, wrinkles around the face and neck increase.

The skin loses its flexibility, muscles became relaxed and thus skin surplus occurs.

This is a very natural progress and many people are actually younger than they look.

As it does not have an effect on eye and forehead areas, face lifting is often applied together with a forehead lift and/or eyelid correction or these are applied later on.

Pre-surgical period

You must not take aspirin or sleeping pill and avoid drinking alcohol at least for 14 days before the surgery. Aspirin and other pain killers will cause a delay in blood clotting time.

Smokers must stop or minimize any nicotine consumption 4 weeks before the surgery in order not to risk healing process.

Your face-lifting will be performed only from top quality surgeons

The course of surgery

Face-lifting operation can be applied via local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia.

It is not necessary to shave the hair. In order to have invisible scars, the surgeon carefully cuts in hairy areas or between natural face lines as much as possible.

Subcutaneous tissue, that is muscles, is removed from fat and collagen tissue. Thus, it becomes possible to correct different tissues now: extra fat is absorbed; muscles and tissue bonds are remodelled via very thin fibres.

After the correcting the tissue, skin is replaced and surplus skin is cut via section line. Once these are all completed, the wound is stitched.

Post-surgical period

You may stay in the hospital for a couple of days after the surgery.

Once the operation is done, the drainages are placed in order to avoid blood and tissue fluid output. A bandage is applied to protect your head for a couple of days.

Your skin will be a little tight at the very beginning. Swellings and bruises are expected.

About two weeks later, you may go back to your daily life.

Stitches are removed at least two weeks later than the surgical operation and scars disappear in time.

Final results appear a few months later.

Your advantages

face-lifting application rewinds the time up to a few years. You have a younger, fresher and more attractive look.


Our genetic characteristics reflect in our physical appearance. Our genes determine how we age, when our skin will sag, whether we will have under-eye circles and bags and many other physical characteristics. However, despite the effectiveness of our genetic heritage, we seek medical or cosmetic solutions to prevent the unwanted results. Two of these unwanted effects are under-eye bags and bags… But nowadays, the under-eye bags and bags that women complain about and try to conceal with variety of cosmetic products, can be concealed with a new filling material that due to copper contents, provides green shade.

In time, under-eye bags can cause under-eye bruising. A new filling material, produced especially for this area, is injected in the line directly below the under-eye bag and by eliminating the line between the under-eye and cheek area, decreases the under-eye circles. Aesthetic, Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery Specialist Professor Dr. Ferit Demirkan from Acibadem Fulya Hospital states that this product, containing hyaluronic acid naturally occurring in the human body, can be effective for one and a half year.

Answering the questions regarding this product, Professor Dr. Ferit Demirkan, provides the following information:

How does this new filling material eliminate the under-eye circles?
This product contains hyaluronic acid naturally occurring in human body. The molecular structure of the product is developed only for under-eye application. The product also contains copper and its green shade neutralizes the dark coloring of the under-eye circles. Similar color neutralization methods are also applied in the professional make-up, produced for stage performances. It is known as “Under-eye light filling”. But I think that the real benefit of such filling is the fact that it provides an option for lower eye-lid sagging and mid-facial sagging, occurring in mid-forties.

How can we prevent aging in the eye contour area?
The first signs of aging appear in the eye contour area. Eyebrows slightly fall, upper eye-lid sags and lower eye-lid slightly swells. The swelling in the lower eye-lid becomes more apparent when our cheeks sag, because the line between the cheek and the swelling of the lower eye-lid becomes deeper. In the past, plastic surgeons operating on the lower eye-lid only removed the swelling. Nowadays we think that we also need to lift the mid-face. We lift the mid-face by entering with endoscope through the forehead or the eye-lid. Otherwise, when we treat merely the lower eye-lid, the line under the eye bags is not corrected, thus operating on the lower eye-lid together with the lift of mid-face provides correct solution. There are two things that make us look old from the distance, two signs of aging: the sagging and fattening of the chin and the under-eye bags in the cross side view.

How is this product applied to conceal the under-eye swelling? Does it provide the sufficient solution, or is surgical procedure necessary?
The product is injected in the line or in the points between the under-eye bags and the cheek with tiny needles. After the application, the applied area is massaged with a special roll-on product and any irregularities are corrected. By the way, since the lower eye-lid skin is very thin, the applied filling diminishes the existent under-eye circles. This product does not completely eliminate the under-eye bags; however, by filling and lifting the deep line between the eye-lid and the cheek, it creates an illusion. We do not prefer this method in severe cases and suggest surgical procedure instead. Consequently, the most suitable age group for this product is 35-45 years old. Patients who do not have time for a surgical procedure or hesitate to have a surgery can prefer this method, too. Since the under-eye bags increase in the mid-fifties, such cases may require surgery and face lift operations may become inevitable.

With this method, does the eye contour become younger or do we require additional procedures?
Actually, the under-eye light filling takes care of the most of the problem. Botulinum toxin applications provide successful solutions for eyebrow diminution and tiny wrinkles known as crow’s feet. Combination of both methods can provide a more balanced look in the eye contour.

How much younger can a woman become due to surgical removal of the under-eye bags?
If the patient does not have an apparent sagging in the upper eye-lid, this filling method, supported by the Botox injection can help a woman to go back to her look in her thirties. Sometimes, cheek padding may also be required.